Growing a container garden can help you grow fresh produce year round. Whether you have a small space in which to grow, or you want to keep your plants contained outdoors; there are different reasons why people choose to utilize containers for gardening. Grow tents are the perfect way to get started on your own container garden.
It doesn’t necessarily matter what type of containers are being used. They come in many sizes and materials including plastic, ceramic, clay, metal, and wood …all of which are equally suitable for plant growth.
Plants and seeds that are suitable for container garden growth, will mention words like bush, compact, dwarf, or space saver on their packaging material.
That being said, there are a vast number of plants suitable for container gardens, including beets, eggplant, leeks, radishes, tomatoes, bush beans, green beans, onions, spinach, cabbage, peppers, squash, carrots, kale, sweet corn. carrots, beets, lettuce, kale, radish, spinach, and Swiss chard.
What You Need to Get Started
In order to begin growing your container garden, you will need planting containers – the number of which depends on how many plants you wish to grow. Containers should be at least 8” in diameter and 6-8” deep. Larger vegetables, such as cucumbers or tomatoes, should be grown in 5-gallon containers accordingly.
Once you have your containers on hand, you will require a small shovel, a trowel, peat-based potting soil, compost, a water soluble fertilizer, and of course your plants or seeds of choice.
How to Get Started
You will want to choose a spot with fairly equal parts sun/light and shade, as your plants will have different requirements. Begin filling your containers with soil until it is ½-1” from the top of the container’s edge. Dampen with water, and plant your seeds accordingly. Seeds should be planted according to the product directions, whereas your pre-grown plants will need to be set into your containers at the same depth as it was growing in its original pot.
Once you have completed the planting process, water once again, and fertilize as needed. Now your container garden is ready to grow! Check out these helpful tips on choosing pots from Everest Fernandez YouTube Channel!